Website relaunch for the architecture studio jungheim Architektur in Bern

Jungheim Architektur is a thriving architecture studio in Bern. With well thought-out ideas as the foundation and a keen attention to detail in execution, they have made a name for themselves beyond the borders of Bern.
They found a simple yet clever way to describe their activities by saying «We work on top, next, inside, in between, additionally, around» (all words starting with «da-» in German). We built on this concept and use it as a recurring element on the website, as well as a tool to filter projects in the overview.

The journal page provides an overview of all journal entries, which can be filtered using tags next to them.
The detail page displays images and text for the selected stage of the project.

Typefaces in use:
Monument Grotesk by Kasper-Florio
Rational TW by René Bieder