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Nicht bei Trost.
A never ending Haiku by Franz Dodel

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Nicht bei Trost.
A never ending Haiku by Franz Dodel

Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost

2004 – on going

Since 2002, award-winning Swiss writer Franz Dodel has been working continuously on his project Nicht bei Trost. The never-ending Haiku follows the strict pattern of the traditional Japanese form of poetry, but repeats the cycle of 5-7-5 syllables over and over and over. Personal thoughts as well as thoroughly researched annotations and image references flow into his work.

The project initially began online but quickly expanded to publishing a book for every 6000 lines, earning it the Staatspreis Schönste Bücher Österreichs in 2008.

As a self-initiated project in close collaboration with the writer, we developed an entirely new website that not only mirrors the design of the books but also displays the complete text in an interactive way, providing Franz Dodel a new tool to continue his work.

Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost
Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost

In order to fit 6000 lines of poetry, notes and references into one pocketbook, the paper must be delicately thin.
This maximises transparency so that text and images from the reverse side are faintly visible, creating a subtle overlay effect.

Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost

For copyright reasons, each reference image from the website is drawn as a black-and-white interpretation by Serafine Frey (Rudolf Steiner for the new edition of A never ending Haiku).

Dodel, Franz – Nicht bei Trost

#1 Each line of the never-ending haiku is assigned its own number. A real-time indicator displays this as you scroll through the extensive literary work. The URL changes accordingly, providing each line with a unique permalink.

#2 Each book consists of 6000 lines. On the website, the book’s title updates accordingly as you scroll through.

#3 Hovering over a note highlights the corresponding lines in the poem.

The notes are randomly arranged in different positions based on their length, creating an ever-changing layout.

#4 The full-text search feature allows users to scan the entire project and lists results by text passages and notes.