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Centre Albert Anker
Visual communication and exhibition design

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Centre Albert Anker
Visual communication and exhibition design

Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication

Kunstpavillon, Winter 2023
Photo: Alexander Jaquemet

2017 – on going

In 2017, we began our work on the visual identity of the upcoming Centre Albert Anker. Through a close collaboration with the foundation, the executing architect, and family members, a design language was developed that honors the legacy of the great artist while also providing a contemporary platform for the future artist house complex.

Fundraising materials and brochures were designed in advance of the opening, and informational and program brochures were created for the opening in spring 2024. In addition to the signage, we collaborated with architect Marcel Hegg and curator Daniela Schneuwly on the exhibition design.

Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication
Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication

The shape of the roof of the old residential house and atelier served as inspiration for the distinctive «A» in the logotype. While planning and designing the Kunstpavillon, architect Marcel Hegg reincorporated the shape of the logo into the architecture.

© Marcel Hegg

Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication
Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication
Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication
Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication

Albert Anker, Selbstbildnis (self-portrait), around 1901, oil on canvas, 48  ×  38  cm
© Kunstmuseum Bern

Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication
Centre Albert Anker – Visual Identity and communication