Am Zunfttisch – the publication for the multimedia dining experience at Casino Bern

Albrecht Kauw, Stilleben mit Käse und Züpfe, 1656, oil on canvas, 110.4 × 139.2 cm
© Kunstmuseum Bern, G 1869
Am Zunfttisch is a multi-course meal dining experience accompanied by multimedia projections hosted at Casino Bern. It offers a fascinating journey through 500 years of culinary traditions in Bern.
Pol designed the accompanying publication that showcases the intriguing stories and amusing anecdotes about food and drink with historical insights. It highlights how contemporary food trends like nose-to-tail eating and urban farming have roots going back centuries. Additionally, the publication provides practical culinary insights and serves as a cookbook with 30 recipes from Ivo Adam a renowned Swiss chef who served as the director of the Casino Bern.
© Casino Bern

Concept and art direction in close collaboration with Ivo Adam and his team.
Photography by Yoshiko Kusano.

Menu overview from the Zibelemärit in 1941.

The publication Am Zunfttisch might be the first to feature a complete detailed overview of all the goblets from the 13 guilds in Bern.

Thread-bound hardcover, foil-debossed title, punched dust jacket, 240 p.
190 × 260 mm
ISBN 978-3-033-07743-0
Published 2020 by Casino Bern
CHF 69.00
Awarded with the Swiss Gourmet Book Award 2021: Gold
Concept and editing:
Roman Tschäppeler, Ivo Adam
Claudia Engler, Benedikt Meyer, Roman Tschäppeler
Yoshiko Kusano (food and reportage), Roman Tschäppeler (top-down drone)